Mermaid Fountain Stylised ~ Dejatu

Star Asset used with a deliberate choice to be used as a platform to reach the top floor faster. The Mermaid Fountain was designed after the Family Crest comes from a background history of the Navy. The game Dejatu is a team collaboration. The shader is created thanks to Joshua Reason. It uses two colour textures. One to indicate the Lit Colours and another to show Unlit conditions alongside a normal map for details and also a gradience map to indicate areas of sharp shading (toon like) that eventually shades to smooth shading. The asset was done with a high to low poly methodology and textured in Substance Painter using a custom shader.

Mermaid Fountain Isolated

Mermaid Fountain Isolated

In game shot ~ Dejatu

In game shot ~ Dejatu

Zbrush Sculpt Render

Zbrush Sculpt Render

Asset in Angles

Asset in Angles

Wireframe 6,926 Triangles with a 2k Texture

Wireframe 6,926 Triangles with a 2k Texture

Textures Used

Textures Used