Did some Blender, next: V-Ray

General / 15 April 2020

I completed the tutorial: https://academy.cgboost.com/p/blender-2-8-launch-pad 

I must say that it was one of the most in-depth courses that I have followed. Very detailed. Very beginner-friendly. I have learned a lot about Blender 2.8 thanks to it. 

So to follow up on the previous post: What to learn next? (or upskill) I haven't considered something slightly more important that I might need more to show in my work.


That is right, showing my work in the best possible form at the highest quality and fidelity. 

So I believe that it is important that I learn V-Ray above all the other segments.

The tutorial Blender was incredible, and I got a couple more ideas and tutorials that I like to follow.

Here are gif and a video link to show the outcome. There is no Audio and it is a bit "WIP" But I do not want to put more work on it as it is not a portfolio piece, but a learning piece.


But back to "presentation", I discovered a new Upskill path that I would like to nail and get comfortable with. 

While I was doing the blender tutorial. I discovered how much I enjoyed the whole process from beginning to end. I was doing some animations, and then some rendering. And then I realized what I was lacking in Urban Circus. Confidence in rendering and setting Lighting/Materials for V-ray. 

I have also been finding a lot of jobs (in Arch-Viz of course) that V-Ray is a must.

So after a little bit of digging, I found this tutorial:


 And damn, it looks fascinating. I'll have a good look to see if it is the match for me. It is a deep 18 hour tutorial on going deep with V-ray.

If this goes well I might then after the tutorial I'll prepare some Arch Viz examples to then practice what I have learned here. This of course will make WIP's look a lot more refined and final work that I do.

I still have the other upskilling paths in mind, but this one might be able to help me, even more, to find good work out there. And then I can choose between 3ds Max or Blender to create projects. I think that for any game-related environment projects it might make more sense to start in Blender. However, for anything architectural pieces I might remain in 3ds max due to v-ray.

After this, we'll see! I still have Speedtree, Gaea and Substance Designer in mind. I think that there has never been a more exciting time to be a digital artist. But also there has never been such a crazy amount of talent out there. Holy shit you guys. Competition is getting really, really real. But it is all a lovely marathon that we are all running together in this: I will not give up until I am satisfied. Even if it means ever.