More Work in Progress Shots

General / 18 April 2018

So I just realized, although I have been pretty busy with freelancing work, I am barely posting the stuff I am doing lately. I wonder why? well to be honest, maybe it is not crazy exciting work? Or I do not feel like entitled to show? or maybe it is not good enough to show? But I would like to change this. I have a website that I am pretty proud of. And I would like to use the Sketchbook Book to show exactly that. Work in Progress shots that are simply ordinary and simple work. Does not have to be mona lisa. But I would still like to show that I am active and doing a bunch of stuff.

Projects I have been working for Plattar: make a Product showcase for an Olive Oil with a cooking recipe animation in Augmented Reality, and an Engineering company doing some animated infographics.
I have also been working for Phoria, making a before/after scenario for a gallery in construction in Abbotsford Convent.

I converted scan dense complicated data into Low poly to use for Mobile and then created a variation on what it would look life after it has been repaired and use for functions and Galleries.

In the meantime I have also been making a world map view of the convent to complement with the Laundry, an art style is still in need to be set for the map view.

I might show some work in progress shots for the other projects I have worked for. Keep tuned!